Message from the Principal
Dear Parents,
St Michael’s Primary School, Berwick is a community comprising of 430 children, under the care of a close, effective, professional team of teachers, support officers and office administration. The school provides an environment of positivity, openness and love where each child’s innate creativity and ability to learn and grow is nurtured.
St Michael's is a faith community. It has an important role to play in the faith lives of the children within its care. The presence of God is celebrated as we develop our relationship with our God and with each other. These relationships are based on respect, honesty and kindness. A sense of wonder of the world and each other is fostered, as the children are helped to see God as a loving and integral part of their lives.
St Michael's is a safe place for children. They feel safe and secure within the framework of established boundaries and routines. These boundaries and routines create a peaceful and just atmosphere. The children are helped to develop an awareness of their rights and responsibilities and consequences for their actions.
There is an enthusiasm for learning and discovery within St. Michael's. The educational programs are stimulating and progressive. The curriculum is strong, comprehensive and covers all educational areas. The school is well resourced due mainly to the efforts of a highly committed and active team of parents.
St Michael's is a school with a great capacity for assisting children to grow in responsibility and inner-direction, capable of making wise choices, nurtured within a warm, loving environment that prepares them for the 21st century.
Mark Linden